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If you don't have the Ebola virus, there are several ways to avoid it. Washing your hands frequently with soap and water is a great way to prevent this illness. You also need to make sure the fruits and vegetables are properly washed and peeled before you consume them. Adding on, you need to avoid physical contact with anyone who has possible symptoms of an infection. You also need to make sure you don't handle dead animals or their raw meat.


If you do happen to have Ebola, there's a few ways to get support. First, you need to make sure you get supportive intensive care where they provide oxygen therapy and IV fluids. For medications, there is blood transfusion which is blood components that are added to replace deficiencies within the bloodstream. Make sure to visit some specialists like an infectious disease doctor, a critical care doctor, and an emergency medicine doctor. They can also put you on isolation where no one is able to touch you and you can't touch anything. Whatever clothes you touch have to get burned down to make sure you don't spread the illness.

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